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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)CLM/7
TitleWritings by Constance Maynard
Extent0.5 box
DescriptionThis series contains volumes of writing by Constance Maynard, varying in nature.

Includes poetry by herself and others, anecdotes of others, notes and extracts of texts and a Bible with notes inside.
ArrangementArranged by function.
Access StatusOpen
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/221Maynard; Henry (1800-1888); Father of Constance Maynard, South African merchant, Maynard Bros. Co.
DS/UK/306Bleby; Alicia S (fl.1882-1905); Student at Westfield College, 1882-1887.
DS/UK/307Rouse; (Clara) Ruth (1872-1956); Missionary.
DS/UK/308Kawai; Michi (1878-1953); Founder of 'Foundation of Blessing School'.
DS/UK/309Story; Robert Herbert (1835-1907); Scottish Divine; Principal of University of Glasgow.
DS/UK/310Coleridge; Samuel Taylor (1772-1834); English poet; Romantic; Literary critic and philosopher.
DS/UK/34Maynard; Constance Louisa (1849-1935); Mistress, Educational pioneer