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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)NL/GRE/23/2
TitleLetters about the memorial fund for Francis Grenfell and Riversdale Grenfell
Extent1 file
DescriptionFrancis Grenfell's will, 1915, Invalid Children's Aid Association letters, 1943-1947, letters from friends about donations to Invalid Children's Aid Association, including a list of names alongside donation amounts to Invalid Children's Aid Association for the 'Francis and Rivy Grenfell memorial' fund and related press cuttings and account book, 1915, 1917, 1921, 1946.
Access StatusOpen
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/2684Grenfell; Francis Octavius (1880-1915); Captain
DS/UK/2685Grenfell; Riversdale Nonus (1880-1914); Captain; also known as Rivy
DS/UK/2707Invalid Children's Aid Association (ICAA); 1888-