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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)QM/1/12/13
TitlePapers relating to specific students of the People's Palace Technical Schools, East London Technical College and East London College
Extent4 files and 2 volumes
DescriptionArticles about, correspondence regarding and papers belonging to former students of the People’s Palace Technical Schools (1888-1896), East London Technical College (1896-1905) and East London College (1905-1913).
ArrangementGrouped by student and chronologically arranged by dates of attendance.
Access StatusOpen
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/62People's Palace; 1887-1954
DS/UK/1379People's Palace; Technical Schools; 1888-1896
DS/UK/2979Harris; Ernest A (1870-1965); People's Palace Technical Schools Engineering student
DS/UK/1332White; William L. A. (fl. 1893-1895); People's Palace Technical Schools student.
DS/UK/58East London Technical College; 1887-1905
DS/UK/59East London College; 1905-1934
DS/UK/2993Auld; Samuel James Manson (fl1902-1956); Colonel; East London Technical College DSc graduate 1902 and East London College PhD graduate 1908
DS/UK/2994Buckton; Arthur Scott (1888-1917); Captain; East London College graduate BSc Engineering 1912
DS/UK/2995Moore; Gladys A (fl1911-1953); East London College Arts student c1911-1913
DS/UK/2996Belloc; Hilaire (1870-1953); Poet, journalist and Head of English Language and Literature East London College 1911-1913
DS/UK/2917East London College; Union Society; 1908-
DS/UK/2997East London College Old Student’s Association; fl1912