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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)QM/1/14/3
TitleThe Palace Journal, Vol. 1, 16 November 1887 to 9 May 1888
Extent1 vol. and 1 duplicate
DescriptionThe Palace Journal: A Weekly Chronicle of the People's Palace, bound volume with index, Volume 1, Numbers 1-26, Wednesday 16 November 1887 to Wednesday 9 May 1888. Includes articles about the People's Palace, general articles, poetry and stories. Regular features include Palace Gossip, Men Who have Risen, The Members' Column, Society and Club Notes, Musical Notes, Class Notes, Letters to the Editor, and Competitions, Puzzles and Prizes, and advertisements.

This volume includes: serialised novels such as 'The Holy Rose: A Novel' by Walter Besant, and 'In the Carquinez Woods' by Bret Harte; a series of articles on 'Personal and Home Hygiene' by John Goodfellow, Lecturer on Hygiene at the Bow and Bromley Institute, and on 'Big Game from "The Tropical World" by Dr. G. Hartwig'; and articles on events at the People's Palace, such as The Apprentice's Exhibition, The Dog Show, and The Flower Show.
Access StatusOpen
URL (click to download record)
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/1333Besant; Sir; Walter (1837-1901); Novelist and historian.
DS/UK/1334Harte; Francis Bret (1836-1902); American author and poet.
DS/UK/1335Goodfellow; John (fl. 1887-1888); Lecturer on Hygiene at the Bow and Bromley Institute, London.
DS/UK/1336Hartwig; G. (fl. 1887-1888); Dr; Author.
DS/UK/62People's Palace; 1887-1954
DS/UK/1403Bow and Bromley Institute; -1898
DS/UK/1454Apprentice's Exhibition of Art, Industry and Invention; 1887; Held at the People's Palace.