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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)QM/1/5/15
TitleVisiting Committee minutes, 1906-07
Extent1 file in 2 parts and duplicates of Part 1
DescriptionPart 1: Minutes of meetings of the Visiting Committee of the Governors of the People's Palace: 12 January, 16 February, 28 February, 28 March, 7 May, 28 May, 21 June, 4 July, 20 July, 3 October, 31 October, 7 November, 21 November, and 12 December 1906; and 25 January, 26 March, 16 May, 5 June, 22 November, and 9 December 1907.

Matters discussed include: the terms of appointment of teaching staff; maintenance works; and the resolution of the Senate of the University of London that the East London College should be admitted as a School of the University of London, and the memorandum listing the changes in the educational and financial organisation, staff and equipment of the East London College desired by the University of London (16 May 1907).

Part 2: Bound volume of minutes of meetings of the Visiting Committee, 3 October 1906 to 3 July 1907. Includes handwritten index at the back.
Access StatusOpen
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/62People's Palace; 1887-1954
DS/UK/1393People's Palace; Governors; Visiting Committee of the Governors; fl 1903-1922
DS/UK/64University of London; 1836-; Higher Education Institution
DS/UK/59East London College; 1905-1934
DS/UK/1159University of London; Senate