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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)WFD/23/4
TitleCollege magazines
Extent3.5 boxes
DescriptionThis sub-series contains student college magazines published by Westfield College Union Society, including Phoenix, 1954-1955; Tattler and Layabout, 1960-1969; Fyrd, 1970; Mole, c.1971; and W.C., 1972-1991.

Includes details of College news and events, articles, poetry, activities of clubs and societies, Westfield Student's Union Society, film, music and book reviews, and responses to current events.
ArrangementArranged chronologically by academic year.
Access StatusMostly Open
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/30Westfield College; 1882-1989; Higher Education Institution