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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)WFD/23/5
TitleRag Mag
Extent13 vols
DescriptionThis sub-series contains an incomplete set of Rag Mags, 1967-1989.

Includes details of Rag Committee, fund-raising events, chosen charities, jokes, anecdotes, cartoons, photographs, Westfield Rag King and Queen, and advertisements.

The following issues are missing: 1969, 1972-1973, 1976-1977, and 1984-1988.
Admin HistoryWestfield College began to hold an annual Rag Week in March from 1964. Rag events and the Rag Mag were produced by students on the Rag Committee.
ArrangementArranged chronologically.
Access StatusOpen
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/30Westfield College; 1882-1989; Higher Education Institution