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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)WFD/6/1/1
TitleEducational Board and Resident Staff minutes
Extent8 vols
DescriptionThis sub-sub series contains minute books for Educational Board and later Resident Staff meetings held between 1903-1928.
Admin HistoryThe Educational Board was created in 1899. Unfortunately, minutes prior to 1903 do not survive. The Board was composed of the Mistress and members of the residential staff. Upon the creation of the Board of Principal Teachers in 1913 the Educational Board ceased to exist. However, members of staff not on the new Board continued to hold residential staff or general meetings.
ArrangementArranged chronologically.
Access StatusOpen
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/30Westfield College; 1882-1989; Higher Education Institution