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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)WFD/PRINT/28
TitleGlaucus and Scylla, Salvator Rosa
Datemid-late 17th century
Extent1 outsize item
DescriptionEtching and drypoint of Glaucus and Scylla derived from a story in Ovid's Metamorphoses where Glaucus, who has been transformed from a mortal in to a sea god, falls in love with a maiden, Scylla, as she is bathing in the sea. Originally etched c.1661-c.1662.

Includes inscription 'S Rosa' in the bottom right corner.

This print is from the second state, indicated by alterations to Scylla's lower right leg and addition of drypoint to her hair.
Access StatusOpen


CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/30Westfield College; 1882-1989; Higher Education Institution