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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Ref No (click to see in context)WFD/WT/5
TitleWestfield Trust Investment Committee
Extent3.5 boxes
DescriptionThis series contains minutes and associated papers of the Westfield Trust Investment Committee, 1990-2008; and correspondence relating to the management of the Trust's finances and accounts, 1989-2009.

Topics covered in the minutes include valuations and analysis of the portfolio, Laing & Cruickshank and UBS, endowment funds, accounts and finances, investments, income, planned expenditure, and current trends.
Admin HistoryThe Westfield Trust Investments Committee was established during the first meeting of the Westfield Trust. Its terms of reference were to manage all investments held by the Westfield Trust with the assistance of Investment Managers. The Committee reported to the Trust and regularly reviewed any accumulated income and considered investment of any monies surplus to current requirements.

Chairman of Committee:
Stanley H. Wright, 1990-2005; Alicia Jolles, 2005-2008.
ArrangementMinutes are arranged chronologically, and then followed by a file of correspondence.
Access StatusOpen
CodePerson or Corporate Body Name
DS/UK/851Charity Commission for England and Wales; 1993-; Regulator of charities
DS/UK/861Grant Thornton; fl.1990-; Accountants
DS/UK/862Wilkins Kennedy; 1882-; Chartered Accountants, Business advisors
DS/UK/863UBS; 1997-; Financial Services
DS/UK/864Laing & Cruickshank Investment Management Limited; fl.1990-2004
DS/UK/30Westfield College; 1882-1989; Higher Education Institution