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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Person NameNational Union of Tailors and Garment Workers; -1991
Corporate NameNational Union of Tailors and Garment Workers
NUTGW/10/1Labour 1938-1939September 1938-August 1939
NUTGW/8/3The Garment Worker 19421942
NUTGW/2/98Compton Sons and Webb16 January 1959-1980
NUTGW/8/38The Garment Worker 19771977
NUTGW/2/129Danish Tailors’ Association12 April 1950-26 May 1953
NUTGW/9/7Labour Party Annual Report 19301930
NUTGW/9/24Labour Party Annual Report 19501950
NUTGW/7/10Conference Report 19811981
NUTGW/9/15Labour Party Annual Report 19401940
NUTGW/9/21Labour Party Annual Report 19471947
NUTGW/9/16Labour Party Annual Report 19411941
NUTGW/9/20Labour Party Annual Report 19461946
NUTGW/2/122Corah Ltd28 March-21 August 1975
NUTGW/9/12Labour Party Annual Report 19361936
NUTGW/12/9Report and Indexes 1-10 Volume 91974
NUTGW/8/37The Garment Worker 19761976
NUTGW/2/137DeYoungJuly 1979
NUTGW/2/159B. Forster & Co.14 August 1950-3 December 1964
NUTGW/2/223Lee Cooper – Dispute28 February-23 August 1973
NUTGW/7/6Conference Report 19731973
NUTGW/8/45The Garment Worker 19841984
NUTGW/2/124County Clothes Ltd26 June 1953-23 June 1970
NUTGW/2/176Hargreaves LtdJuly 1963
NUTGW/9/18Labour Party Annual Report 19441944
NUTGW/2/141Donovan Report1968
NUTGW/8/51The Garment Worker 1990-19911990-1991
NUTGW/8/39The Garment Worker 19781978
NUTGW/2/150EverpleatNovember 1965
NUTGW/8/40The Garment Worker 19791979
NUTGW/9/11Labour Party Annual Report 19351935
NUTGW/9/13Labour Party Annual Report 19371937
NUTGW/9/23Labour Party Annual Report 19491949
NUTGW/9/19Labour Party Annual Report 19451945
NUTGW/9/17Labour Party Annual Report 19421942
NUTGW/7/2Conference Report 19631963
NUTGW/9/22Labour Party Annual Report 19481948
NUTGW/7/5Conference Report 19711971
NUTGW/7/12Conference Report 19851985
NUTGW/7/7Conference Report 19751975
NUTGW/2/202J. & P. Jacobs Ltd7 October 1964-28 February 1969
NUTGW/10Labour: The Workers Magazine1938-1959
NUTGW/8/6The Garment Worker 19451945
NUTGW/6/19Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19651965
NUTGW/2/50A and M Tailors7-8 August 1968
NUTGW/8/24The Garment Worker 19631963
NUTGW/8/33The Garment Worker 19721972
NUTGW/2/297Siebe Gorman5 July-13 August 1974
NUTGW/2/272Part-time WorkingJune 1979
NUTGW/2/47Alderglen Manufacturing Co.3 August 1965-13 March 1974
NUTGW/6/26Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1970July-December 1970
NUTGW/10/16Labour 19541954
NUTGW/11/9Research papers 5-81967-1968
NUTGW/6/41Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1978January-June 1978
NUTGW/6/34Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1974July-December 1974
NUTGW/8/23The Garment Worker 19621962
NUTGW/2/310Social Security, Selective Employment Tax1 July-31 August 1966
NUTGW/2/312Spivacks Ltd23 February-30 March 1972
NUTGW/2/365Union - Superannuation FundMay 1951-12 February 1973
NUTGW/7Conference Reports1908-1989
NUTGW/6/7Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19571957
NUTGW/6/25Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1970January-June 1970
NUTGW/8/4The Garment Worker 19431943
NUTGW/10/20Labour 19581958
NUTGW/10/7Labour 1944-1945September 1944-August 1945
NUTGW/2/56Ards Manufacturing Co.9 June-8 July 1953
NUTGW/2/9Agreements: Burberry’s Ltd1 March 1977
NUTGW/5General Secretary minutes of special executive meetings1953-1968
NUTGW/6/5Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19561956
NUTGW/6Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches1954-1985
NUTGW/2/84Chukka Products LtdOctober 1969
NUTGW/2/95Common Market27 March 1972-27 February 1975
NUTGW/8/49The Garment Worker 19881988
NUTGW/2/74Burberrys Ltd1952-1980
NUTGW/8/48The Garment Worker 19871987
NUTGW/9/4Labour Party Annual Report 19261926
NUTGW/6/12Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19591959
NUTGW/6/35Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1975January-June 1975
NUTGW/11/13Evidence of Trade Union Congress to Royal Commission1969
NUTGW/6/46Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1980July-December 1980
NUTGW/6/16Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19631963
NUTGW/10/13Labour 1950-1951September 1950-August 1951
NUTGW/6/33Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1974January-June 1974
NUTGW/6/42Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1978July-December 1978
NUTGW/6/32Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1973July-December 1973
NUTGW/6/43Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1979January-June 1979
NUTGW/6/50Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1982July-December 1982
NUTGW/6/44Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1979July-December 1979
NUTGW/2/147Eshwin Ltd.13-19 May 1969
NUTGW/8/29The Garment Worker 19681968
NUTGW/6/17Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19641964
NUTGW/2/333Tiny Togs17-18 July 1969
NUTGW/6/20Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19661966
NUTGW/10/5Labour 1942-1943September 1942-August 1943
NUTGW/2/10Agreements: Clothing Manufacturers’ Federation23 May 1960-12 November 1963
NUTGW/6/22Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19681968
NUTGW/10/18Labour 19561956
NUTGW/2/241National Insurance Appeal Tribunals
NUTGW/6/11Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19591959
NUTGW/6/27Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1971January-June 1971
NUTGW/6/8Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19571957
NUTGW/6/6Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19561956
NUTGW/6/18Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19651965
NUTGW/6/4Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19551955
NUTGW/6/36Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1975July-December 1975
NUTGW/8/26The Garment Worker 19651965
NUTGW/2/120CWS: Leeds Factory1969-1977
NUTGW/6/47Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1981January-June 1981
NUTGW/6/21Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19671967
NUTGW/10/17Labour 19551955
NUTGW/6/13Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19601960
NUTGW/9/14Labour Party Annual Report 19381939
NUTGW/6/14Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19611961
NUTGW/6/51Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1983January-June 1983
NUTGW/2/78Canada InternationalFebruary 1973
NUTGW/11/2Minutes of evidence 11-201966
NUTGW/9/1Labour Party Annual Report 19231923
NUTGW/6/28Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1971July-December 1971
NUTGW/6/23Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1969January-June 1969
NUTGW/2/151Executex LeedsJune -August 1967
NUTGW/8/15The Garment Worker 19541954
NUTGW/8The Garment Worker1940-1991
NUTGW/11Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers Associations 1965-19681966-1969
NUTGW/8/7The Garment Worker 19461946
NUTGW/10/3Labour 1940-1941September 1940-August 1940
NUTGW/2/314Staff - Applications for Employment1950-1967
NUTGW/2/336Tootal10 February-30 August 1978
NUTGW/6/30Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1972July-December 1972
NUTGW/2/138Dewhirst & Co.Ltd29 September 1966-30 April 1979
NUTGW/9/6Labour Party Annual Report 19281928
NUTGW/10/11Labour 1948-1949September 1948-August 1949
NUTGW/8/5The Garment Worker 19441944
NUTGW/7/9Conference Report 19791979
NUTGW/2/200J.H. Jacks Ltd. - Southend21 April 1958-6 November 1979
NUTGW/6/31Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1973January-June 1973
NUTGW/10/19Labour 19571957
NUTGW/7/1Conference Report 19081908
NUTGW/6/45Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1980January-June 1980
NUTGW/8/25The Garment Worker 19641964
NUTGW/2/364Union Structure14 July-17 October 1967
NUTGW/6/9Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19581958
NUTGW/2/148European Service of European Communities1965-November 1975
NUTGW/10/9Labour 1946-1947September 1946-August 1947
NUTGW/2/369University Tailors30 April-21 July 1970
NUTGW/2/87Clifton Overalls LtdSeptember 1966
NUTGW/7/4Conference Report 19691969
NUTGW/2/49Alfred Morris Furs5-10 October 1966
NUTGW/2/61Bejoss LtdAugust-October 1965
NUTGW/8/50The Garment Worker 19891989
NUTGW/2/99Conveyor Belts13 May 1938-18 July 1961
NUTGW/2/166S.R. Gents7 October 1954-1 May 1979
NUTGW/2/198Intenational Women’s Year Function9 October 1974-4 April 1975
NUTGW/8/19The Garment Worker 19581958
NUTGW/7/14Conference Report 19891989
NUTGW/2/199Ireland16 September 1977-16 January 1979
NUTGW/8/17The Garment Worker 19561956
NUTGW/2/82Chappel Allen Ltd1965-1973
NUTGW/2/83Charnos LtdMarch 1966-October 1973
NUTGW/6/15Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1962 1962
NUTGW/5/1Minutes special executive meetings 1953-1955November 1953-November 1955
NUTGW/6/10Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19581958
NUTGW/6/54Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1984July-December 1984
NUTGW/6/52Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1983July-December 1983
NUTGW/5/2Minutes special executive meetings 1960-1968January 1966-April 1968
NUTGW/6/55Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1985January-June 1985
NUTGW/7/11Conference Report 19831983
NUTGW/6/53Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1984January-June 1984
NUTGW/8/43The Garment Worker 19821982
NUTGW/8/41The Garment Worker 19801980
NUTGW/2/154Federation of Merchant Tailors14 January 1960- 20 December 1969
NUTGW/2/125Courtaulds9 July 1970-3 June 1976
NUTGW/8/18The Garment Worker 19571957
NUTGW/2/253Naturna Ltd16 October 1967-23 May 1968
NUTGW/9/3Labour Party Annual Report 19251925
NUTGW/6/56Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1985July-December 1985
NUTGW/6/24Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1969June-December 1969
NUTGW/2/46Albion LtdNovember 1955-5 March 1969
NUTGW/6/39Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1977January-June 1977
NUTGW/2/174Hallzones LtdMay-June 1961
NUTGW/7/13Conference Report 19871987
NUTGW/11/10Research papers 9-11 and index1967-1968
NUTGW/2/250National Union of Mineworkers3 April 1962–23 December 1982
NUTGW/8/28The Garment Worker 19671967
NUTGW/9/2Labour Party Annual Report 19241924
NUTGW/7/8Conference Report 19771977
NUTGW/11/11Enquiry into workplace industrial relations1968
NUTGW/7/3Conference Report 19671967
NUTGW/2/254Newbold & Co. Ltd15 February-25 March 1974
NUTGW/3Correspondence and papersc1948-1978
NUTGW/6/40Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1977July-December 1977
NUTGW/2/213Joint Clothing Council Ltd31 January 1953-1954
NUTGW/2/183Heaps Ltd14-25 October 1965
NUTGW/2/55Aquascutum Ltd2 October 1959-20 July 1977
NUTGW/2/164F.S ManufacturingSeptember 1965
NUTGW/9Labour Party Annual Reports1923-1950
NUTGW/2/73Brough, Thexton & Co.1960-1963
NUTGW/8/42The Garment Worker 19811981
NUTGW/2/48Alexandres Ltd29 September 1950-31 October 1972
NUTGW/2/58J. Barbour & Sons LtdJuly 1962-March 1968
NUTGW/9/9Labour Party Annual Report 19321932
NUTGW/9/5Labour Party Annual Report 19271927
NUTGW/12Industrial Tribunals1966-1978
NUTGW/10/15Labour 19531953
NUTGW/6/48Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1981July-December 1981
NUTGW/2/240Nash Clothing Co.20 October 1964-17 May 1968
NUTGW/10/14Labour 1951-1952September 1951-December 1952
NUTGW/10/2Labour 1939-1940September 1939-August 1940
NUTGW/10/6Labour 1943-1944September 1943-August 1944
NUTGW/8/8The Garment Worker 19471947
NUTGW/8/2The Garment Worker 19411941
NUTGW/8/13The Garment Worker 19521952
NUTGW/8/20The Garment Worker 19591959
NUTGW/6/49Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1982January-June 1982
NUTGW/11/5Minutes of evidence 41-501966
NUTGW/10/21Labour 19591959
NUTGW/11/6Minutes of evidence 51-601966
NUTGW/11/7Minutes of evidence 61-691966
NUTGW/11/3Minutes of evidence 21-301966
NUTGW/11/4Minutes of evidence 31-401966
NUTGW/11/8Research papers 1-41966-1967
NUTGW/8/31The Garment Worker 19701970
NUTGW/8/16The Garment Worker 19551955
NUTGW/2/322Steinberg Organisation1949-1978
NUTGW/2/384Windsmoor Ltd1955-1968
NUTGW/8/30The Garment Worker 19691969
NUTGW/8/9The Garment Worker 19481948
NUTGW/8/35The Garment Worker 19741974
NUTGW/8/14The Garment Worker 19531953
NUTGW/8/11The Garment Worker 19501950
NUTGW/2/34Agreements: Shirt, Collar and Tie Manufactures’ Federation1927-28 January 1965
NUTGW/8/22The Garment Worker 19611961
NUTGW/8/12The Garment Worker 19511951
NUTGW/8/21The Garment Worker 19601960
NUTGW/8/10The Garment Worker 19491949
NUTGW/8/32The Garment Worker 19711971
NUTGW/6/37Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1976January-June 1976
NUTGW/2/288Redundancy11 July 1963-13 April 1978
NUTGW/2/269Overall Manufacturers Association2 January 1964-19 April 1971
NUTGW/2/361Union Rules and Rule Book8 July-14 October 1969
NUTGW/2/327Sunray TextilesJuly 1961-27 May 1963
NUTGW/2/273Pasolds (Ladybirds)5 March 1968-19 January 1976
NUTGW/2/350Transport Salaried Staffs Association1965 - 1970
NUTGW/2/248National Union of Hosiery [and Knitwear] Workers18 January 1971-9 December 1986
NUTGW/8/47The Garment Worker 19861986
NUTGW/2/271Overall Manufacturers Association24 May 1974-10 June 1980
NUTGW/6/38Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1976July-December 1976
NUTGW/8/27The Garment Worker 19661966
NUTGW/8/34The Garment Worker 19731973
NUTGW/2/275Pensions11 June-26 August 1980
NUTGW/2/35Agreements: Shirt, Collar and Tie Manufactures’ Federation15 February 1966-19 April 1979
NUTGW/2/284Prittlewell Lingerie Ltd
NUTGW/2/72British Productivity Council1960-1970
NUTGW/2/71British Peace Committee1961-1973
NUTGW/6/29Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 1972January-June 1972
NUTGW/9/8Labour Party Annual Report 19311931
NUTGW/8/46The Garment Worker 19851985
NUTGW/2/77Camrass and Sons LtdApril 1970
NUTGW/4Membership survey1951-1970
NUTGW/8/44The Garment Worker 19831983
NUTGW/8/36The Garment Worker 19751975
NUTGW/11/1Minutes of evidence 1-101966
NUTGW/2/280Playtex22 November 1959-30 October 1973
NUTGW/2/286Purchase Tax - File 11 September 1953-3 February 1959
NUTGW/2/372Viyella13 September 1965-12 June 1974
NUTGW/2/358Union By-Laws6 May 1925-21 July 1971
NUTGW/2/1Agreements: Apparel and Fashion Industry’s Association20 January 1970-26 November 1979
NUTGW/2/344Trade Union Joint Negotiating Committee for GLC, ILEA Staffs8 December 1970-8 July 1976
NUTGW/2/302Shop Stewards Contribution Cards26 August 1971-1979
NUTGW/9/10Labour Party Annual Report 19341934
NUTGW/6/3Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19551955
NUTGW/6/2Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19541954
NUTGW/2/45Agreements: Willerbys21-22 March 1963
NUTGW/6/1Circulars to Executive Board officials and branches 19541954
NUTGW/2/187History – Publication of The Needle is Threaded24 August 1960-20 May 1970
NUTGW/2/5Agreements: British Mantle Manufacturers AssociationAugust 1969-4 August 1971
NUTGW/2/11Agreements: Clothing Manufacturers’ Federation18 March 1964-1 October 1965
NUTGW/2/6Agreements: British Mantle Manufacturers Association18 January 1972-28 November 1979
NUTGW/2/4Agreements: British Mantle Manufacturers Association19 January 1967-9 August 1968
NUTGW/2/7Agreements: British Rainwear Manufacturers’ Federation1 February 1957-20 May 1966
NUTGW/10/4Labour 1941-1942September 1941-August 1942
NUTGW/10/10Labour 1947-1948September 1947-August 1948
NUTGW/10/12Labour 1949-1950September 1949-August 1950
NUTGW/10/8Labour 1945-1946September 1945-August 1946
NUTGW/12/10Report and Indexes 1-7 Volume 101975
NUTGW/12/11Report and Indexes 1-5 Volume 111976
NUTGW/12/12Report and Indexes 1-6 Volume 121977
NUTGW/12/13Report and Indexes 1-6 Volume 131978
NUTGW/1/6Financial report 19211921
NUTGW/2Correspondence of the General Secretary and Assistant General Secretaryc 1889-1981
NUTGW/2/12Agreements: Clothing Manufacturers’ Federation28 January 1966-18 April 1971
NUTGW/1/1Financial report 18931893
NUTGW/1/4Financial report 19171917
NUTGW/1/11Financial report 19281928
NUTGW/2/8Agreements: British Rainwear Manufacturers’ Federation4 July 1967-8 June 1970
NUTGW/1/3Financial report 19071907
NUTGW/1/9Financial report 19261926
NUTGW/1/8Financial report 19251925
NUTGW/2/13Agreements: Clothing Manufacturers’ Federation14 April 1972-5 November 1973
NUTGW/1/2Financial report 19001900
NUTGW/1/7Financial report 19221922
NUTGW/1/5Financial report 19181918
NUTGW/1/10Financial report 19271927
NUTGW/1/12Financial report 19291929
NUTGW/1/13Financial report 19301930
NUTGW/2/2Agreements: Association of Clothing Contractors5 May 1965-2 October 1974
NUTGW/2/3Agreements: British Mantle Manufacturers Association20 February 1962-9 April 1966
NUTGW/1Financial reports1893-1930
NUTGW/2/14Agreements: Clothing Manufacturers’ Federation21 January 1974-30 March 1979
NUTGW/2/15Agreements: Compton, Sons and Webb1 November 1971-31 December 1976
NUTGW/2/16Agreements: Co-operative Union Ltd22 February 1939-29 June 1972
NUTGW/2/17Agreements: Co-operative Wholesale Society29 April 1938-15 September 1966
NUTGW/2/18Agreements: Co-operative Wholesale Society9 February 1968-22 December 1970
NUTGW/2/19Agreements: Co-operative Wholesale Society30 December 1970-22 January 1981
NUTGW/2/20Agreements: Corsetry Manufacturers’ Association17 October 1963-3 October 1977
NUTGW/2/21Agreements: Foster Brothers23 October 1975-9 December 1976
NUTGW/2/22Agreements: Irish Wholesale Clothing Manufactures’ Association18 June 1937-12 May 1971
NUTGW/2/23Agreements: Leeds and Northern Clothing Manufacturers’ Association29 April 1920-October 1970
NUTGW/2/24Agreements: Levi Strauss27 July 1970-6 February c 1973
NUTGW/2/25Agreements: Miscellaneous Correspondencec 1963 – 25 August 1978
NUTGW/2/26Agreements: Overall Manufacturers’ Association19 October 1949-7 July 1965
NUTGW/2/27Agreements: Overall Manufacturers’ Association26 January 1966-19 November 1967
NUTGW/2/28Agreements: Overall Manufacturers’ Association4 March 1968-24 December 1968
NUTGW/2/29Agreements: Overall Manufacturers’ Association31 October 1969-11 November 1970
NUTGW/2/30Agreements: Overall Manufacturers’ Association20 April-8 November 1971
NUTGW/2/31Agreements: Overall Manufacturers’ Association16 November 1971-21 November 1972
NUTGW/2/32Agreements: Overall Manufacturers’ Association18 January-20 December 1973
NUTGW/2/33Agreements: Overall Manufacturers’ Association8 January 1974-19 July 1979
NUTGW/2/33iTown Tailors Organisation29 June 1953-17 July 1968
NUTGW/2/33iiTown Tailors Organisation29 June 1953-17 July 1968
NUTGW/2/36Agreements: Signet Jersey Ltd28 September-14 November 1973
NUTGW/2/37Agreements: Tootal3 August 1976-3 February 1978
NUTGW/2/38Agreements: Transport and General Workers Union24 June 1932-24 May 1977
NUTGW/2/39Agreements: United Rubber Workers of Great Britain3 November 1967-20 October 1975
NUTGW/2/40Agreements: Waterproof Garment Workers’ Trade Unionc 1938-7 July 1971
NUTGW/2/41Agreements: Waterproof Garment Workers’ Trade Union – McLellan & Cochrane2 May 1963-20 August 1964
NUTGW/2/42Agreements: Waterproof Garment Workers’ Trade Union – Reggan Clothiers1 December 1960-13 October 1967
NUTGW/2/43Agreements: Wholesale Clothing Manufacturers’ Federation3 January 1920-1 February 1958
NUTGW/2/44Agreements: Wholesale Mantle and Costume Maufacturers’ Federation of Geat Britain14 April 1921-27 May 1930
NUTGW/2/51Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America21 January 1964-14 March 1969
NUTGW/2/52Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers, Shipbuilders and Structural Workers1959
NUTGW/2/53Amalgamated Society of Textile Workers and Kindered Trades5 November 1960-27 April 1982
NUTGW/2/54Apparel and Fashion Industry’s Association – Misc.27 March 1969-2 May 1978
NUTGW/2/57Baird Textile Holdings LtdOctober 1977-September 1979
NUTGW/2/59Beaufort (Air – Sea) Equipment LtdNovember 1968-August 1978
NUTGW/2/60Belfast Collar Co.December 1950-July 1963
NUTGW/2/62Berkertex3 February 1953-5 December 1977
NUTGW/2/63Berlei Corsets21 October 1957-16 January 1979
NUTGW/2/64Bernard and LakinJuly 1963-December 1970
NUTGW/2/65Bickley’s Ltd21 September 1956-8 December 1970
NUTGW/2/66Bluebell Apparel Co. (Wrangler)24 November 1975-11 September 1978
NUTGW/2/67Brentford Nylons Ltd9 October 1968-29 March 1976
NUTGW/2/68British Apparel Manufacturers’ Association1 December 1978-3 December 1979
NUTGW/2/69British Broadcasting Corporation8 July 1965-2 October 1973
NUTGW/2/70British Clothing Industry’s Council for EuropeJanuary 1975
NUTGW/2/75Burns and Co.December 1965-February 1966
NUTGW/2/76C and A Modes1941-5 January 1973
NUTGW/2/79Carnegie Models (Factory) LtdJuly-August 1969
NUTGW/2/80Carrington Viyella Group9 June 1971-5 April 1979
NUTGW/2/81Carrington Viyella Group – Pensions13 December 1973-25 August 1977
NUTGW/2/85Clarpo Shirt Co.September 1961-September 1972
NUTGW/2/86Clifford Williams and SonsAugust 1954-November 1979
NUTGW/2/88Clothing and Allied Products Training Board1968-1978
NUTGW/2/89Clothing Manufacturers’ Federation of Great Britain, “Apprenticeship”1958-1 January 1980
NUTGW/2/90Clothing Manufacturers’ Federation24 September 1963-13 February 1979
NUTGW/2/91Coffin Furniture and Cerement Making1959-16 July 1975
NUTGW/2/92Commission on Industrial RelationsJanuary 1970-July 1973
NUTGW/2/93Commission on Industrial Relations3 August 1973-28 March 1975
NUTGW/2/94Common Market29 December 1961-April 1962
NUTGW/2/96Committee on Health and Safety1964-1976
NUTGW/2/97Commonwealth Immigrants19 October 1964-March 1976
NUTGW/2/100Copp and Co.5 December 1956-5 September 1972
NUTGW/2/101Co-operative Retail Societies [CWS]11 April 1950-28 January 1970
NUTGW/2/102CWS: Belmont + Lingerie Factory21 January 1965-8 March 1976
NUTGW/2/103CWS: Bolton Bespoke Workshop11 January-9 February 1965
NUTGW/2/104CWS: Brislington Clothing Factory22 November 1963-2 July 1976
NUTGW/2/105CWS: Broughton Factories26 September 1963-20 March 1970
NUTGW/2/106CWS: Cardiff Shirt Factory29 April 1966-10 November 1967
NUTGW/2/107CWS: Crewe Factory31 October 1962-19 April 1971
NUTGW/2/108CWS: Decimalisation – Miscellaneous20 February 1970
NUTGW/2/109CWS: Factory Representatives Meetings23 July 1969-5 December 1969
NUTGW/2/110CWS: Men’s Outerwear Division18 November 1963-4 September 1972
NUTGW/2/111CWS: Pelaw Shirt Factory26 April 1962-7 August 1965
NUTGW/2/112CWS: Reading Pyjama Factory27 January 1964-24 July 1967
NUTGW/2/113CWS: Security of Employment23 November 1960-21 August 1964
NUTGW/2/114CWS: Sheffield Factories15 Februay 1965-30 October 1969
NUTGW/2/115CWS: Superannuation Fund30 September 1966-26 August 1977
NUTGW/2/116CWS: Ystalytera Factory30 October 1969-27 December 1971
NUTGW/2/117CWS: Miscellaneous Correspondence30 October 1963-18 April 1969
NUTGW/2/118CWS: Miscellaneous29 April 1970-4 November 1987
NUTGW/2/119CWS: Nottingham Bespoke WorkroomOctober 1968
NUTGW/2/121Co-operative Union Ltd1962-24 November 19701970
NUTGW/2/123Cosmit Ltd25 September 1963-25 February 1964
NUTGW/2/126Cox Moore and Co.14 February-June 1966
NUTGW/2/127Cumberland Fashions23 October 1967-21 February 1969
NUTGW/2/128Daintyfyt Brasserie Co.4 March 1953-20 April 1972
NUTGW/2/130Dannimac23 October 1961-22 October 1965
NUTGW/2/131Debretta Ltd23 February 1959-19 December 1972
NUTGW/2/132Department of Employment and Productivity (Disabled Persons)28 February 1951-1 May 1973
NUTGW/2/133Department of Employment and Productivity (Contracts of Employment Act)20 March 1964-18 April 1972
NUTGW/2/134Department of Employment and Productivity (Miscellaneous)8 June 1964-2 July 1979
NUTGW/2/135Department of Trade and IndustryDecember 1972-December 1973
NUTGW/2/136Department of Trade and Industry5 December 1973-31 July 1980
NUTGW/2/139Dhobi Weatherproof25 November 1958-19 April 1971
NUTGW/2/140Discount Trading2 September 1964-21 March 1972
NUTGW/2/142Dresscott Ltd21 August 1968-2 December 1970
NUTGW/2/143Eagle Manufacturing Co.3 December 1941-2 February 1966
NUTGW/2/144Edgard H. & Son, Whitehaven13 January 1965-9 Septmeber 1970
NUTGW/2/145Edwards Louis Messrs - Maesteg11 December 1950-13 November 1965
NUTGW/2/146English Calico Sewing Ltd [Cross-reference National Union of Hosiery and Knitwear Workers, 1967-1970]20 February 1969-4 May 1973
NUTGW/2/149Everlastic LtdDecember 1964-February 1965
NUTGW/2/152Exquisite Knitwear14 September 1969-10 February 1974
NUTGW/2/153Federation of Merchant Tailors to 19591877-15 October 1959
NUTGW/2/155Federation of Merchant Tailors13 January 1970-20 February 1989
NUTGW/2/156A. Field Ltd18 August 1964-17 September 1965
NUTGW/2/157B. S. & W. Fieldman & Co.28 August 1951-8 October 1954
NUTGW/2/158I. J. Fisher26 August 1955-19 March 1973
NUTGW/2/160A. J. Foster (Lingerie) Ltd21 April 1964-31 January 1967
NUTGW/2/161Foster Brothers17 December 1975-11 September 1978
NUTGW/2/162Frame Clothing Ltd7 April 1959-3 November 1970
NUTGW/2/163Frankenstien Group15 November 1965-19 September 1969
NUTGW/2/165General and Municipal Workers’ Union5 February 1951-10 January 1979
NUTGW/2/167Geoffrey Peters LtdFebruary-March 1977
NUTGW/2/168W.Glassberg & Sons Ltd25 October 1955-3 February 1959
NUTGW/2/169Gossards (British Celanese Organisation)24 April 1961-19 April 1965
NUTGW/2/170Great Universal Stores [GUS]March 1951-December 1964
NUTGW/2/171Great Universal StoresJanuary 1961-13 October 1969
NUTGW/2/172Great Universal Stores17 July 1970-29 September 1978
NUTGW/2/173Greater London CouncilMay 1965-February 1977
NUTGW/2/175Harella Ltd23 July 1956-7 April 1972
NUTGW/2/177Harmer Group1 June 1955-17 September 1969
NUTGW/2/178Harris and Parkin6 May 1960-29 January 1962
NUTGW/2/179Harshaw Modes ltd26 August 1963-14 November 1973
NUTGW/2/180Hart Levy (John Barron Organisation)20 October 1952-11 May 1971
NUTGW/2/181J. Harvey Organisation3 April 1950-28 June 1965
NUTGW/2/182C.F Hawes & Co.13 January 1958-5 February 1968
NUTGW/2/184Hector Powe16 April 1956-12 June 1979
NUTGW/2/185Hepworths24 February 1951-1 September 1980
NUTGW/2/188Hollins, William & Co3 October 1966-5 April 1977
NUTGW/2/189Holyrood Knitwear Factory24 March 1960-3 February 1961
NUTGW/2/190Homeworkers, Outworkers and Self-employed Persons28 October 1945-16 August 1973
NUTGW/2/191Huggins, Son & Co.15 September 1966-5 October 1970
NUTGW/2/192Imports19 January 1950-9 September 1980
NUTGW/2/193In Place of StrifeJanuary-November 1971
NUTGW/2/194Industrial Relations Act and Trade Union BillJanuary-November 1971
NUTGW/2/195International Ladies Garment Workers [New York] Miscellaneous Correspondence21 August 1957-10 October 1966
NUTGW/2/196International Textile and Garment workers’ Union Film – With These Hands22 December 1950-4 November 1958
NUTGW/2/197International Textile and Garment Workers’ Federation – General Correspondance20 February 1956-3 February 1973
NUTGW/2/201Jackson Associated – MNF: (Jackson the Tailor)c 1955 - 12 May 1978
NUTGW/2/203Jaegar Factories9 January 1973-29 November 1977
NUTGW/2/204James Macfarlane Ltd14 October 1963-19 November 1977
NUTGW/2/205James Smith & Co. Factories12 March 1977-3 May 1978
NUTGW/2/206Jantzen Ltd21 September 1956-18 January 1968
NUTGW/2/207Jenkins – Kingsgate26 September 1980-27 July 1981
NUTGW/2/208John Collier Organisation31 January 1968-14 January 1975
NUTGW/2/209John Harding (Boria) LtdDecember 1959-18 August 1970
NUTGW/2/210John Temple Factories17 June 1969-1 August 1972
NUTGW/2/211John Stanton Ltd22 October 1965-6 March 1967
NUTGW/2/212Joint Board, Millinery Workers Union of America22 June 1950-28 July 1960
NUTGW/2/214Jubilee Fashions Ltd19 April-28 June 1974
NUTGW/2/215Julius and Son Ltd22 May 1958-31 May 1974
NUTGW/2/216Kangolwear Ltd13 October 1964-10 March 1967
NUTGW/2/217Kayser – Bondor16 October 1961-27 January 1971
NUTGW/2/218Keystone Mills2 October-8 December 1952
NUTGW/2/219Kilgour, French and Stanbury15 June-4 August 1965
NUTGW/2/220Kire Manufacturing Company14 February 1960-17 March 1961
NUTGW/2/221Labour Committee for Europe1963-May 1972
NUTGW/2/222Lee Cooper Ltd27 June 1960-23 May 1972
NUTGW/2/224Light Clothing FederationApril 1963-2 April 1964
NUTGW/2/225London Co-operative Society Ltd20 January 1959-29 January 1970
NUTGW/2/226London District Committee29 June 1950-7 April 1967
NUTGW/2/227Lotery H. & Co.April 1940-6 May 1964
NUTGW/2/228Lybro28 October 1954-22 April 1971
NUTGW/2/229Macclesfield Pleating Co.28 September 1964-13 May 1965
NUTGW/2/230Macdonald Samuel Ltd19 September 1972-1 April 1974
NUTGW/2/231Mekay Factories17 March-5 November 1969
NUTGW/2/232Membership8 March 1961-28 April 1975
NUTGW/2/233Membership – Prisoners and Borstal Trainees30 June-24 October 1969
NUTGW/2/234Mendac Shirts Ltd9 February 1963-19 October 1965
NUTGW/2/235Metropolitan Police – Reveivers Stores15 December 1970-6 April 1971
NUTGW/2/236Michelson Nottingham Ltd17 October-15 December 1967
NUTGW/2/237Montagu Burton2 February 1950-12 November 1968
NUTGW/2/238Montagu Burton12 February 1969-9 April 1979
NUTGW/2/239Moss Brothers12 June 1961-17 February 1967
NUTGW/2/240Nash Clothing Co.1964-1968
NUTGW/2/242National Joint Committee of Working Women’s Organisations23 April 1964-17 October 1984
NUTGW/2/243National Union of Dyers and Bleachers21 January 1964-17 October 1984
NUTGW/2/244National Union of General and Municipal Workers31 October 1979-20 January 1984
NUTGW/2/245National Union of Hosiery [and Knitwear] Workers4 April 1952-27 October 1966
NUTGW/2/246National Union of Hosiery [and Knitwear] Workers [Union renamed December 1966]December 1966-12 June 1970
NUTGW/2/247National Union of Hosiery [and Knitwear] Workers [Northern Ireland]29 November 1967-14 August 1969
NUTGW/2/249National Union of Footwear, Leather and Allied Trades31 October 1951-1 February 1972
NUTGW/2/251National Union of Railwaymen8 January 1951-28 October 1977
NUTGW/2/252National Union of Textile and Allied Workers15 March 1962-29 August 1972
NUTGW/2/255Newmans Ltd27 July 1965-18 August 1970
NUTGW/2/256Northern Ireland Training Board Conference (10.3.74)5 February-5 April 1974
NUTGW/2/257Northern Ireland Training Board Conference (10.3.74)
NUTGW/2/258Northgate Group - Miscellaneous Correspondence, File 114 October 1964-5 December 1973
NUTGW/2/259Northgate Group - Miscellaneous Correspondence, File 120 December 1973-8 June 1979
NUTGW/2/260Northgate Group - Miscellaneous Correspondence, File 1
NUTGW/2/261Organising - Bristol26 April 1962-20 August 1984
NUTGW/2/262Organising - Cardiff3 February 1966-15 November 1977
NUTGW/2/263Organising - Home Counties10 May 1966-6 February 1969
NUTGW/2/264Organising - Ireland11 July 1974-19 August 1981
NUTGW/2/265Organising - Leeds24 December 1976-3 July 1981
NUTGW/2/266Organising - London and L.C.W.W.21 September 1977-21 January 1982
NUTGW/2/267Organising - London, Tailors and Tailoresses Collector26 April 1949-28 February 1983
NUTGW/2/268Organising - London West End Fashion Trades22 May 1962-5 November 1975
NUTGW/2/270Overall Manufacturers Association7 March 1956-10 January 1972
NUTGW/2/274Pendragon Ltd30 April 1970-17 November 1975
NUTGW/2/276Pension Schemes - Miscellaneous27 October-30 November 1955
NUTGW/2/277Perfect Bras Ltd18 September 1967-9 January 1968
NUTGW/2/278Piecework14 April 1950-21 February 1964
NUTGW/2/278Piecework1950 - 1964
NUTGW/2/279Planning Committee27 February 1964-12 September 1969
NUTGW/2/281Prices and Incomes PolicyFebruary 1965-March 1967
NUTGW/2/282Prices and Incomes Standstill6 September-23 November 1966
NUTGW/2/283Prices Tailors6 July 1951-23 April 1965
NUTGW/2/285Productivity, Prices and Income16 December 1964-30 September 1966
NUTGW/2/287Rael-Brook3 November 1955-18 November 1974
NUTGW/2/289Rembrandt Factory22 September 1966-16 September 1970
NUTGW/2/290Rodex1 February 1968-January 1970
NUTGW/2/291Rosners30 October 1951-16 September 1970
NUTGW/2/292Rossendale Union Boot, Shoe, Slipper Operatives11 January 1965-30 April 1970
NUTGW/2/293Royal Commission on the Distribution of Income and Wealth3 April 1975-22 June 1978
NUTGW/2/294Sachs E. S. (Solly)18 January 1965-August 1976
NUTGW/2/295Saracen Ltd6 November 1968-March 1971
NUTGW/2/296Schneiders1 November 1957-14 June 1977
NUTGW/2/298Selincourt Group11 July 1972-31 August 1978
NUTGW/2/299Sewing Machine Mechanics13 June 1949-16 July 1969
NUTGW/2/300Shop Stewards Contribution Collecting Books20 May 1970-1979
NUTGW/2/301Shop Stewards Handbook21 October 1964-31 May 1979
NUTGW/2/303Sickness Benefit17 August 1979-26 August 1980
NUTGW/2/304Silhouette4 May 1960-3 December 1979
NUTGW/2/305Simpsons14 April 1960-14 January 1980
NUTGW/2/306Slimma Ltd15 November 1960-26 March 1979
NUTGW/2/307Smith & Nephew3 December 1968-10 August 1977
NUTGW/2/308Smith, James & Co. (Derby) Ltd [Cross-reference CMF/Compton Sons & Webb]6 January 1965-16 March 1976
NUTGW/2/309Social Security, Ministry of - Miscellaneous Correspondence26 April 1963-4 March 1980
NUTGW/2/311Social Security, Unemployment Benefit31 January 1950-8 November 1966
NUTGW/2/313Springside Clothiers Ltd27 September-18 October 1968
NUTGW/2/315Staff - Applications for Employment1968-1974
NUTGW/2/316Staff - Branches5 February 1950-29 November 1968
NUTGW/2/317Staff - Branches24 January 1969-24 July 1973
NUTGW/2/318Staff - Head Office23 February 1946-14 November 1973
NUTGW/2/319Staffordshire Sportswear4 February-21 March 1980
NUTGW/2/320Stark & Co. Ltd. - Newry19 March-10 April 1960
NUTGW/2/321Steel & Glover30 June 1964-28 April 1967
NUTGW/2/321iSteinberg Organisation10 September 1949-25 October 1978
NUTGW/2/323Stone-Dri18 November 1965-17 February 1977
NUTGW/2/324Strads International11 January 1957-24 November 1969
NUTGW/2/325Sumrie C. & M. Ltd5-9 August 1958
NUTGW/2/326Sunday Citizen25 March 1960-14 February 1967
NUTGW/2/328Supply, Ministry of Contracts8 April 1950-25 February 1955
NUTGW/2/329Sussman L.S & J. Ltd31 March 1967-16 January 1980
NUTGW/2/330Taylor & Co. Ltd Dundalk16 August 1966-2 February 1968
NUTGW/2/331Taylor Merrymade9 February 1973-28 August 1979
NUTGW/2/332Tillie & Henderson11 July 1959-29 November 1976
NUTGW/2/334Tir-Oen, Messrs28 November 1972-16 May 1973
NUTGW/2/335Town & Country Planning Act2 November 1965-22 December 1966
NUTGW/2/337Town Tailors Organisation29 June 1953-17 July 1968
NUTGW/2/338Trade Boards Act1909-1940
NUTGW/2/339Trade Bulletins - Research Departments1971-1974
NUTGW/2/340Trade Disputes and Trade Union Act1871-1946
NUTGW/2/341Trade Councils - miscellaneous B to F1950-1984
NUTGW/2/342Trade Councils - H to Z1950-1975
NUTGW/2/343Trade Council - London1943-1969
NUTGW/2/345Trade Union Label14 October 1958-29 July 1970
NUTGW/2/346Trade Union Research Unit8 June 1978-2 July 1979
NUTGW/2/347Trades Union Unit Trust1962-24 August 1971
NUTGW/2/348Transport, Ministry of13 November 1951-19 January 1955
NUTGW/2/349Transport and General Workers Union19 April 1950-13 January 1982
NUTGW/2/351Traverse, Healy & Lyons Ltd21 July 1970-18 January 1973
NUTGW/2/352Triumph International19 December 1967-1 May 1972
NUTGW/2/353Truline Ltd29 November 1963-24 November 1964
NUTGW/2/354Trutex [Cross-reference Tootal]18 May 1964-26 November 1979
NUTGW/2/355Tyne Textiles27 September 1965-1 April 1968
NUTGW/2/356United Textile Factory Workers Association5 October 1965-13 May 1970
NUTGW/2/357Ulster Hosiery Co.26 November 1970-6 September 1977
NUTGW/2/359Union of Post-Office Workers1 April 1964-17 March 1987
NUTGW/2/360Union Rule Book - Northern Ireland22 June 1954-17 October 1969
NUTGW/2/362Union Rules - Alterations to rules following 1965 special conference4 March-27 October 1965
NUTGW/2/363Union - Sickness Payment Schemes8 August 1950-6 December 1979
NUTGW/2/366Union - VehiclesDecember 1973-January 1974
NUTGW/2/367Union - Wage Claims (Ireland)3 August 1959-9 September 1964
NUTGW/2/368Union of Shop, Distribution & Allied Workers22 July 1970-6 March 1979
NUTGW/2/370Vickers Sportswear21 April-21 June 1965
NUTGW/2/371VietnamNovember 1963-26 April 1974
NUTGW/2/373Wagner & Brandon27 August 1965-21 September 1965
NUTGW/2/374Wakefield Shirt Co.13 December 1967-13 April 1977
NUTGW/2/375Wallis & Co.19 February-4 November 1974
NUTGW/2/376Wallis & Linnell Ltd20 July-19 October 1962
NUTGW/2/377Walsh & Co.30 September 1963-15 July 1966
NUTGW/2/378Walton Weaving21 November 1958-13 January 1967
NUTGW/2/379War Office22 March 1960-29 April 1964
NUTGW/2/380Wathen Gardiner Ltd. (Bristol)17 September 1965-6 March 1968
NUTGW/2/381Welch Margetson6 June 1955-2 July 1970
NUTGW/2/382Willerby Tailoring1 February 1966-3 March 1969
NUTGW/2/383William Baird Textiles Ltd23 February 1973-31 March 1977
NUTGW/2/385WIRA (Research and Services for the Clothing Industry)3 July 1973-30 April 1979
NUTGW/2/386Woodburns Ltd (Rhyl)9 January 1958-7 November 1966
NUTGW/2/387A. & J. Woolf Ltd28 June 1950-5 December 1951
NUTGW/2/388World Federation of Trade Unions8 January 1960-30 October 1979
NUTGW/2/389World Jewish Congress15 January 1968-21 November 1975
NUTGW/2/390Yorkshire Television14 March 1967-26 February 1970
NUTGW/2/391Youthlines (Portsmouth)30 November 1964-19 October 1966
NUTGW/2/392Miscellaneous - Rule Books1912-1963
NUTGW/12/1Reports and Indexes 1-7 Volume 11966
NUTGW/12/2Reports and Indexes 1-12 Volume 21967
NUTGW/12/3Reports and Indexes 1-11 Volume 31968
NUTGW/12/4Reports and Indexes 1-9 Volume 41969
NUTGW/12/5Reports and Indexes 1-7 Volume 51970
NUTGW/12/6Reports and Indexes 1-9 Volume 61971
NUTGW/12/7Reports and Indexes 1-11 Volume 71972
NUTGW/12/8Reports and Indexes 1-12 Volume 81973