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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Person NameUniversity of London; Board of Studies in History; Board of Studies of the History Department
Corporate NameUniversity of London
EpithetBoard of Studies of the History Department
STB/6/4Dinner in Honour of Professor J.G. Edwards 1960
STB/6/1Modern English Constitutional History1972
STB/6/2Chairman of Board of Examiners and Board of Studies in History1956-1967
STB/6/5Board of Studies in History meeting papers1970
STB/6University of London Board of Studies in History1956-1972
STB/11/1Board of Studies in Economics correspondence1958-1966
STB/18Educational interests, publications, and other interests1951-1976
STB/18/12Correspondence and papers, file 121971-1973
STB/6/8Chairman of Board of Studies in History1957-1959
STB/11Other University of London files and students' letters1951-1967
STB/6/6Board of Studies in History correspondence1960-1970
STB/18/2Correspondence and papers, file 21956-1973
STB/15Correspondence arranged alphabetically 1949-1975