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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Datesfl. 1976
Person NameBrading; Peter M. (fl. 1976); Wrote the dissertation 'A Brief History of the People's Palace Library, East London, 1882-1902', September 1976, for the degree of Master of Arts in Information Studies.
ForenamesPeter M.
EpithetWrote the dissertation 'A Brief History of the People's Palace Library, East London, 1882-1902', September 1976, for the degree of Master of Arts in Information Studies.
QM/1/19/2Correspondence about memories of the People's Palace1962-1966
QM/1/19/1O. Tapper's notes for 'The Impossible Story (An Account of the Rise and Fall of the People's Palace)'c1960-1976
QM/1/19Later histories and correspondence relating to People's Palace1960-1984
QM/1/19/3Brief History of the People's Palace Library by P.M. Brading1976
QM/1/17Newspaper, journal and magazine articles about People's Palace1884-1975