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Undergraduate study, Queen Mary, University of London
Person NameBeaumont Trust; 1882-
Corporate NameBeaumont Trust
QM/1/2/16Correspondence relating to fundraising, file 21885-1889
QM/1/4/1Correspondence regarding Sunday opening and sale of alcohol1885-1886
QM/1/7/2Plans of the People's Palace 1885-1900
QM/1/2/1Fundraising appeals in 'The Times' 1885-1887
QM/1/8/5Letters regarding the Beaumont Trust Secretary vacancy 1883-1886
QM/1/2/11Letters from Ella V. Pollack1887
QM/1/17/1Newspaper cuttings, 1884-861884-1886
QM/1/2/7Correspondence with Lady Brassey 1885-1886
QM/1/2/18Correspondence regarding advertisements 1886
QM/1/6/6Letters from Charity Commission1886
QM/1/2/10List of voters 1885
QM/1/4/2Laying of Queen's Hall foundation stone1886
QM/1/2/5Letters regarding public meetings about People's Palace1886
QM/1/2Fundraising 1885-1889
QM/1/2/13Letters from people declining to subscribe1885-1886
QM/1/9/6Maclure & MacDonald letters and advice notes, 1885-861885-1886
QM/1/2/2Fundraising appeal for the People's Palacen.d.
QM/1/16/4Letters from people offering services to People's Palace1885-1888
QM/1/7/1Letters from E.R. Robson to Beaumont Trust1885-1886
QM/1/2/4Advertising poster for public meeting about People's Palace1886
QM/1/2/12Responses to fundraising circulars: declining to subscribe1885-1886
QM/1/16/6Letters to Beaumont Trustees1885-1890
QM/1/3/5Letters regarding the East London Committee1885-1887
QM/1/3/2Meeting to discuss Council for East London at St. Benet's Room 1886
QM/1/2/15Correspondence relating to fundraising, file 1 1885-1887
QM/1/2/9Fundraising in East London Docks1886
QM/1/1/1Papers relating to Drapers' Company c.1882-1886
QM/1/18/5Letters from Beaumont family members1883-1886
QM/1/16/3Correspondence regarding Beaumont Trust renting rooms and article in Daily News1885-1886
QM/1/1Drapers' Company1728-1954
QM/1/16Various correspondence1884-1890
QM/1/2/3Mansion House Meeting1885
QM/1/1/2Legal agreements 1886-1954
QM/1/6Charity Commission1883-1950
QM/1/8Staff and employmentc1879-1985
QM/1/17Newspaper, journal and magazine articles about People's Palace1884-1975
QM/1/7Premises, property and facilities1885-1935
QM/1/18J.T. Barber Beaumont, Beaumont Trust, and Beaumont familyc1812-1985
QM/1People's Palace1728-2000